The good news is that the hand is not broken. The bad news is that he has tendonitis. So he has a new brace and instructions to lay off the use of that hand. Which of course is advice he is ignoring, for the most part.
Yesterday we took her out and tested some of our new systems. Everything for the most part went well. We also learned how easy Magda Jean is to sail - a lot easier than our little boat. She is very responsive, turns on the proverbial dime, and zips along nicely. We plan to spend one day sailing, then a day working on the boat, and so on until we feel ready to go.
Being retired is a lot weirder than I thought it would be. For one thing, there is absolutely no structure. I understand why people become alcoholics after retirement when they weren't before. There is nothing and no one to stop you from deciding to start drinking at noon. There is no one and nothing telling you to do something "productive." You can stay in bed all day (if you can stand that). If I had a TV, I could watch stupid shows all day long. Now, none of these things appeal much to me. If I started drinking at noon, by seven I would be in bed. I do have things to accomplish. And I have no TV! I am not explaining this very well, I know. I feel a lot of pressure (self imposed, of course) not to waste this time. I think about my parents, and how they both passed on before being able to enjoy any time like I have now. I may not keep the chickens my mom wanted to have, but she would be pleased to have the boat named for her, and I think she'd like the idea of this adventure. My father would cringe in fear of the risks I may be taking, but would be proud at the same time. I have some goals I have set for myself - now lets see if I can actually fulfill any of them. Until next time . . .
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