Of course things were going too smoothly. I went to the doctor mainly to get written Rx's, and they decided my blood sugar was too high so now I have to have more tests to make sure I am not diabetic which of course I am not. It foils us because now we have to stay here for a follow up appointment after I take some horrid test that involves drinking sweet stuff and then having my blood checked. All this for what I know will be a false alarm. I think if a person has diabetes there are symptoms and I have none. Mike of course now has something to blame all my bad temper on.
The boat is ready with the exception of the dinghy motor davit, and the boat guys measured something wrong, so it did not get put on when it was supposed to. This is all a bit discouraging, but we will deal with it. I sure hope I get to spend Thanksgiving in Mexico!
I hate to tell you this, but type II diabetes rarely has symptoms. In fact, many people don't know they have it until they show up at an emergency room in a hyperglycemic emergency. I'm glad you're having it checked. Genetically, we are predisposed to having it. The good news? It can be controlled with diet and exercise.