Tuesday, February 12, 2013

As Time Goes By

So I am really sorry about writing the whining post but I have decided not to delete it - "I yam what I yam" and so on. I do have a depressive streak a mile wide.

I think one of the reasons I got so down was a combination of the stuff breaking - which at times I am sanguine about and other times it makes me crazy - and the fact that I have been feeling strange lately, sort of like I have lost my way.  I kept thinking to myself "I have lost sight of my goals."  Then I would think "What goals?  What is it that I feel I am not accomplishing that I should be accomplishing?"  And I have no answer for that.  There really is no goal to my life right now - except to travel as many places as I can and see as many things as I can.  And heaven knows I have accomplished this in this past year - five countries in depth.  Not too shabby, as my dad would have said.  So I guess I am really on track, whatever that means.

So we know we have a freon leak in the fridge system but that is not fatal - we have the tools and the gas, and Mike knows how to give it a charge if it starts to need one.  He is also coming up with a plan to find and then fix the leak.  The chainplates have been removed, and have been sent to San Salvador with Santos, who plans to fix them himself.  He likes metal work.  I thought wood was his specialty - our new table and my new spice rack and our new  baseboards and the box holding our home entertainment center speakers would certainly be strong testimony as to his woodworking expertise.

Today for breakfast we are having tamales that Santos's mom made.  I can hardly wait for Mike to wake up so I can eat mine.  I could do it now, but then I would have to watch Mike eat his later after mine were gone.  It is better to wait.  I'll enjoy it more.  I do have the capacity for delayed gratification, after all.

Mike figures the chainplates will be fixed by the weekend, and after that, it is just a matter of waiting for and then replacing the primer pump for the water maker.  Mike can install it in a few minutes.  The only fly in the ointment is the fact the pump is being shipped from Connecticut - where they had a horrible blizzard that may have disrupted shipping.  And hopefully it will not get held up in customs.  As soon as that all happens, we are underway.

Tomorrow we are going into San Salvador with some friends from another boat - this time we are going to a spa and getting massages.  I have had massages only twice, and both times I was glad when it ended  because it hurt.  I am the only person I know who does not like getting a massage.  So I figure I will keep trying and see if it gets better.  It is not like they are massaging too deep or too hard - it is my skin that hurts, not the muscles.  I am hoping they do facials too - now those I like.  I always fall asleep and they have to wake me up when they are done.

All in all, things here are pretty good.  I am savoring, or trying to, anyway, my last time here in El Salvador.  I have mixed feelings about sailing straight to Panama without stopping in Costa Rica or Nicaragua,  but I can go there by land and do not plan to leave Central America until I have seen them.  I'd like to fly to Cuba while we are in Panama,  too.  And it has nothing to do with the long sail without stopping - I am interested in doing that and I like multi-day trips.  It takes about 72 hours to get a good rhythm going so that everyone gets enough sleep.  Once that rhythm is down, it is great.  I love being at sea. with just the water and the birds and the sky and the sea life. 

So anyway, here we are.  There are new boats coming in everyday now, so that keeps things interesting.  The staff at the hotel is expressing sorrow at our impending departure.  I wish we could take Santos with us,  but he has a business to run.  Today we are heading into Zacatecoluca for the ATM.   It is a nice bus ride, especially early in the day.  Maybe I'll get some ice cream for a treat.

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." (Woodrow Wilson)

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