Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I realize that I have gotten behind in my entries here - but our internet access has been limited.  We have also been busy with this and that - it is a great place to be.  This post was written about a week ago, but the internet connection went down before I could publish it.  Here it is verbatim.

We have had rain twice since the big storm.  The first time, about three days ago, the wind came up and it rained hard for a short perid of time, just like the last time except the wind only got up to about 30 knots.  One cruiser said they clocked the wind at 50 knots, but I don't think it was anyhere near that.  It did not last very long, but we were ready for any problems.  There was a lot of thunder and lightening (lightning?  Never have been sure about it).  A day or so late, we had a nice, long soaking rain with no high winds or thunder or lightning (I am going to go with this spelling until otheriwse informed).  I sat out in the cockpit under the bimini and just enjoyed the sound, smell, and the look of the rain.  I will never get over enjoying rain in almost any circumstance, and when there is nothing to have to monitor or worry about, it is even better to be on the boat in the rain.

That is all that was saved before I lost the connection.  A lot has happened since then.

It rains almost every niht now, but without any problems.  Just some wind, and then comes the rain.  It reminds me of Camelot - "The rain may never fall til after sundown".   We took the ceiling down and added insulation, so it should stay cooler in the cabin.  We made a raincatcher to augment our drinking water supply, but it has not rained enough yet to be able to tell how it is working.  We also discovered that it is possible to have drinking water brought to the boat and the tanks filled for about $25.00, which is pretty good. 

I should note that this computer lost most of its keyboard functions one day when I accidentally left a window not battened down tight enough when I washed the boat down, and water came in, wetting the keyboard.  So we bought a new keyboard, which works except that it is in Spanish, and arranged differently than what I am used to.  So there will be more typos than ever, sorry about that!  I have never been good at editing my own work.

A couple of days ago we took a three day trip to the coast just south (east, actually) of where we are now.  We went with two other couples, and stayed at a beach house.  We swam in the ocean (very warm water), relaxed in their pool, ate well with the assistance of the "cook boy" provided gratis by the owners of the beach house (all very "Night of the Iguana"-ish but in a good way), slept under mosquito netting, and listened to the surf all night long.  It was also the first time I heard rain on a palapa roof.  A wonderful sound, and very conducive to sleep.  I learned to play a domino game callled Mexican Train - it was fun, easy, not any complicated math, no teams, and I really enjoyed it despite the fact I usually don't like games.  We are planning to get our own set of dominos to play it the next time we take a shopping trip to San Salvador. 

I promise to provide some pictures with the next posting, but I wanted to get this one off as it had been some time since I posted.  Anyway - tbings are fine, we are fine, and still loving El Salvador!

"After all,  the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working."  (Kenneth Graham)    


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